Craig performs extracts of John Cage on the Piano – watch video

I have just finished learning a piece of music by one of my favourite composers, John Cage. The piece is called “4’33 silence”. I did find it a bit difficult to learn, so I have taken the liberty of editing it to just 33 seconds.

More details about John Cage can be found here.


  1. Adi said:

    Wow, that was really a moving performance. And done at incredible speed – it seems to work so much better at this revolutionary pace! The challenging limp of the metronome brought so much more meaning to time. Not to mention the perfect posture. Once again… wow.

    February 18, 2008
  2. Craig said:

    Thanks Adi – It took a lot of hard practice to get the performance just right. I am glad that you appreciated the hard work.

    February 18, 2008

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