Category: <span>Travel</span>

Cds 2008 02 24 10 45 09 OLYMPUS IMAGING CORP X450 D535Z C370Z

The quality of the fresh fruit and vegetables in the Malawi markets was great, but the market is what I can only describe as an African scene. You could buy freshly cooked mielies, which had been “braaied” on the open coals (corn is the staple food of Malawi, you can see it growing everywhere).

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Everybody wanted my business (especially since I was then only white person in the market), but they were friendly about it, which is more that I can say for Mauritius. Everybody in the market had something to do – there was a person there whose job was simply to shell the peas!

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Shelling peas

Cds 2008 02 24 09 39 29 OLYMPUS IMAGING CORP X450 D535Z C370Z



This is the poster for a show that was on when we were in Las Vegas last year. Zumanity is one of the Cirque de Soleil productions. According to the official website, it is

“a seductive twist on reality…leave all inhibitions at the door and let loose as this adult-themed production takes you on a sexy thrill ride…part burlesque and part cabaret”

Sound familiar?

It was on at the New York New York hotel. I never got to see it, but it looks really interesting!

So, do you live in Reality, or Zumanity?


Update: 3 Sep 2011

I have noticed this picture referenced on a “White News” website. I would like to make it very clear, that my post was not meant to be a reference to “racial submission of whites to non-whites”, or any such thing. I neither support nor endorse such websites.  I find both pro-white and pro-black websites very disturbing.

I find it sad that for so many people race is still such a large factor in their thinking. I believe that people should

not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character – Martin Luther King

Esoteric News Travel

I was cleaning up my study, and I found the old ticket stubs from our trip up the Eiffel Tower in Vegas. Ok, so this wasn’t the real tower in France, it was only a 1/2 scale model, but it was still 540 feet (164m) tall, and it was pretty impressive.

Walking through the Paris hotel is really like walking through the streets of Paris – complete with sidewalk cafe’s, accordion music & cobbled streets. I really felt like I was back in Paris.

However, what really amused me was the warning on the ticket  – “no unauthorized weddings”.  Where else would you find that warning? I suppose that if you are going to do a Vegas wedding, the top of the Eiffel Tower is as good a place as any  – good thing Lois and I are already married!

I still think that Vegas is a great place to get married – you can have a drive trough wedding, the reception at the MacDonalds drive through, and even see a show afterwards!

Don’t forget – no unauthorized weddings!


Cds 2007 08 19 17 54 48 Canon Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT
Sadly, our time in Vegas came to an end, and our time came to leave for Phoenix. This was after a great last evening when I finally figured out the Rolette machines, and won a total of about $40 on the $5 tables – not bad for a beginner.

So it was a 4:30am start to get to the airport by 6 in time for our 8am flight – which incedently was only 45 minutes long.

We are at our hotel in Phoenix – the JW Marriott Desert Resort and Spa, prepering for the Toastmasters Annual Convention. Arizona is exactly like in the old cowboy movies – with barren landscape and the cactus plants holding their hands in the air like on cheap tequila bottles. I beleive that the bigger cactui can hold 5 tons of water – enough for 5 years of drought. The land also reminded me of the Pielandsberg mountains – except with the cactui.

Today I bought a couple of items in the supermarket, and I did something that I have never done before – I used the self-checkout. With nobody supervising, I scanned the items, paid into a machine, collected the change and left! Just like that. Imagine that in SA.

I thought that Vegas was hot, but I had no idea! The temperature yesterday was a min of 28, and a max of about 42 deg C – so hot that the shops give you free water when you leave. Unbeleivably hot, so we will be spending much time indoors.

Off to bed now, will update you soon.


PS – Karen I hope you luggage arrives soon!


Cds 2007 08 08 17 59 36 Canon Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT

Today we went up the Eiffel Tower in the Paris Hotel. The tower is a 1/4 side scale model, but almost as impressive as the real thing. You get a great view of the strip from the top – it is about 20 stories or so high.

The Paris Hotel is really impressive – filled with little sidewalk cafe’s and Parisian architecture and landmarks and architecture.

We had a drama in the lift when a woman collapsed, but the hotel handled it quickly and I did not have to practise my first aid skills, but it was still a scary experience. My first thought was ‘what about liability?’. If I get involved – not how can I help her? It was quite a panicky situation, but it all ended well.

We went to the M&M shop, which is three floors of M&M (smarties) merchandise, everything from shirts & caps to cushions, games (they had a M&M monopoly set), and an entire floor of just M&M’s. This is where we bought most of our gifts.The shop is a scary combination – kids and candy!

We had a Mexican supper at the Treasure Island Hotel – great restaurant – first restaurant to serve reasonable sized meals. Most places serve HUGE portions, but here they were perfect. They served a free plate of home made plain nachos with three dipping sauces for free (note: many restaurants in Nevada and Arizona seem to do this). They were home made and very yummy. We asked for an extra hot chilli sauce, and we found one that was scary – but we made a good dent in it none the less!

BTW: at most fast food joints you can buy 4oz cokes, which is over 1 litre, and people do.

Finally, just got back from New York New York hotel, listening to live rock (ok no surprises there) – heard a great band. It was them or the country band, so on arguments there. We have now heard two country bands which both do both kinds of music – country and western! The hotel is an authentic representation of the New York skyline – complete with Status of Liberty and Empire State Building. All in all we got to hear about 7 bands on our trip.

All of the hotels are next to each other – but the distances are deceptively far, so I have sore legs, and Lois has sore feet!

Bye for now!



I am starting to realise that you “do” Vegas by pretty much walking around the hotels. So, we walked to the Luxor, which meant going past the Excalibur Hotel.

The Excalibur is build like a fairy-tale version of Camelot, complete with Turrets and knights. It is pretty cool – if not a bit cheesy. However the lighting at night is really impressive – it looks fantastic!

Cds 2007 08 07 17 24 01 Canon Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT
The Luxor has a full size model of Tutankhamen’s burial chamber, complete with artifacts and audio-guide. It is an interesting glimpse into Ancient Egypt, and has re-affirmed my wishes to travel to Egypt at some stage.

The irony of course being that his tomb is in the Valley of the Kings, and not in Luxor!

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The Hotel is also home to the world’s largest atrium, and an IMAX theatre.

You do find yourself using the term "world’s largest" quite a lot in Vegas!


Cds 2007 08 10 03 38 31 Canon Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT

I decided to try the slots today. You can play 1c machines, and really play for fun. We sat down at a random machine, and yes of all the thousands of slot machines in Vegas, I picked the African-themed slot. Zebras, lions, springboks etc.

I managed to get up to almost $3, so was doing well, but then after 1/2 hour I lost it all – my $1 (ohhh noises now) as all gone.

It was kinda cool, but becomes a bit aimless after a while.

I must point out that I won on the lions, I won on the zebras, I was king of Africa at one stage, but I never won on the springboks!

Off to see the Blue Man Group tonight.


Cds 2007 08 07 06 03 21 Canon Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT

What can I say? Yesterday we saw lions in our hotel (in their den), saw a live rock band, a fake volcano erupt 100 feet into the air, gambled, and even got some sleep. We missed the pirate battle, but maybe tonight!

Cds 2007 08 07 07 25 24 Canon Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT

Vegas is the land of excess – complete sensory overload. Light and sounds everywhere – even slots at the airport. We are staying at the MGM Grand hotel – with over 5000 rooms, and a casino area of 151000 sq ft, and a 17000 seat arena.

Cds 2007 08 07 06 17 03 Canon Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT

David Copperfield is playing at the hotel and near by are the Beach Boys, ZZ Top, Tom Jones, Toni Braxton, Jay Leno and get this – Barry Manilow!

Cds 2007 08 07 15 47 53 Canon Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT

So we are off to see the New York Skyline, then going to Luxor to see a full size replica of King Tut’s tomb. Oh, we are going to go past Camelot

You can come here and visit the world!

ps Fear and loathing in Las Vegas now has a new meaning to me!


Cds 2006 09 01 10 05 15 Canon Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT

On Thursday I phoned to book a cab to take us to the airport from Manhattan to JFK Airport on Friday.

So, we were all packed, waiting at the hotel reception for the cab to arrive, when an eight seat stretch Limo pulled up at the door. It could not possibly be ours. The driver walked in to reception and walked straight up to us. "Are you room 522?" – he asked.

Yes – the Limo was ours! So, Lois and I went to JFK airport in style. I really felt like a rock star. It was fantastic! I have no idea why we got a stretch Limo, I have no idea why it cost the same as a yellow cab – but I was not going to complain.

So, New York – we will be back soon. Keep up the style!


New York is the most amazing city! It is always busy with people and traffic rushing about at all times of the day.

Cds 2006 08 31 17 27 34 Canon Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT

We went up the Empire State Building, which is about a block from our hotel. The viewing deck is on the 86’th floor, and the view was fantastic – you can see the entire island of Manhattan, and much further on a good day. The queue’s are about one hour long or so, but Lois’ white cane did the trick!

Cds 2006 08 29 09 21 54 Canon Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT Edit

Yesterday we took a three hour cruise around Manhattan, and got to see the different neighbourhoods. We say the 59th bridge (as in the 59th Street Bridge Song), the Brooklyn Bridge, the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island and the United Nations building.


Ground Zero was very sobering – it is just a very big hole in the ground, with lots of construction happening. A selection of photos of 9/11 were on display, as well as a signboard listing the names of the people who lost their lives. The atmosphere was very sad and thought-provoking.

Cds 2006 08 28 12 58 39 Canon Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT

We also visited the Intrepid museum, which contains a WW2 aircraft carrier, a submarine, and a British Airways Concorde. The submarine was really fun to visit. It was very cramped and quite claustrophobic. The hatches we had to climb through were very small and cramped! I was interested to learn that the crew only showered once a week, and then for only one minute at a time. It must have been really fragrant down there!

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The Concorde, which was donated by British Airways is really not a large aeroplane – it is tiny! It might have been a really fast aeroplane, but it is also very cramped inside. You are definitely paying for speed, not for comfort. I suppose that I can say with a straight face that I have now been on the Concorde.

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It is a good thing we went to the museum when we did because it is closing on Oct 1 for maintenance for a year or so.

So on this trip, we have been on the following modes of transport : aeroplane, ferry, train, bus, subway, car, horse and cart, spaceship, Concorde, tram, submarine, battleship, amphibious vehicle and of course foot! Not bad going for a couple of weeks.

The weather has generally been very hot, but New York has been raining the last couple of days – just like Cape Town! I am loving the trip, but I am starting to miss the dogs, our food and of course my bed!

I seem to have picked up a cold – I think it is from the air-con and hot weather outside, so I am laying low today.
