Tag: <span>flowers</span>

My brother and sister in law have been on holiday in Cape Town for the past couple of weeks, so I have spend a lot of time acting as an impromptu tour guide. So for today’s trip we decided to go for a walk around the reservoir in the Silvermine nature reserve, and for a walk along one of the many hiking trails.

My SLR was a little heavy to carry around the mountain trails so I just took my point and shoot and I think that this shot is more proof that the best camera is the one you have with you.

Cape Town

With the wonderful warm days we have been having, the wild flowers have been bursting into colourful blooms, and disappearing as the sun goes down. This shot is of the wild grass growing on the side of the road in Muizenberg. The verges are covered in these bright flowers as far as the eye can see. And adding that starburst effect you get when shooting directly into the sun, it makes for an interesting shot.

Flowery Sunset

Cape Town

Valentine's day

As you can gather I am not big on Valentine’s day. I buy Lois flowers because I choose to, not because of commercial and social pressure (yeah boring I know). So yes I buy her flowers; just not on Feb 14th.

So when the Fro sent out a challenge to shoot a creative Valentine’s Day shot, I jumped right in. This picture gives a different perspective on Valentines day. I think that it works. What do you think?

ps: please don’t try this at home

Cape Town

Just some nice flowers today. Enjoy the spring!

Cape Town

One of the joys of spring in Cape Town is the wonderful spring flowers. One of the perils of sprint in Cape Town is the wonderful spring flowers. We have over 9000 species of flowering plants in Cape Town, and the wonderful brightly coloured flowers are seen all over Cape Town in spring.

But these flowers cause an extremely high pollen count, which of course is not good for hay-fever suffers like myself. This spring, it was so bad that it put me into bed for two entire days (even missing a friend’s birthday party). I am finally over the worst of it, and I really hope that is it for this year!

Cape Town

I saw a whole bed of these wonderful spring flowers growing outside Tygervalley shopping centre, and the spring Namaqualand Flowers are already in full bloom. It truly seems like we are having an early spring, very strange for July.

Cape Town

Although it is the middle of winter, the last few days have been unusually warm. Even the local fynbos flowers are blooming (I have even been walking around in a T-shirt). But while the weather has been wonderful, I think that it is just about over, and we are going to be in for the much needed winter rain in a few days.

I think that these wilting sunflowers that I bought Lois the other day represent the weather (and no, they were not wilting when I bought them!).

Cape Town

One of my desert plans has burst into bloom. Although the shortest day this year was just a few days ago, it is a little early for spring flowers. Winter is far from over, but I shall enjoy the brief respite and dash of colour in my garden before the rain and cold come back for another month.

Cape Town

A nice bright yellow rose to brighten up the day. Taken at Aunth Ruth’s 90th birthday party.


A rose by any other name would smell as sweet

Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, 1600



Cape Town

Love you mom

Cape Town