Tag: <span>kalk bay</span>

Cds 2019 11 29 13 01 52

It’s not often that I get around to taking photos in my home town. I’ve been to Kalk Bay Harbour so many times, but its not often that I take pics of it. Well the other day I was having lunch at the harbour and it was a beautiful and wind-free day, so I took the opportunity for a quick photo. The fishing boats still go out every day, and you can still buy fresh fish from the harbour. And yes, Kalkies is still the best place in Cape Town for fish & chips.

Cape Town South Africa

Cds 2017 07 08 09 52 59

While I was on my run a few days ago, I notices something new. Informational signs have popped up on the side of Main Road, from Muizenberg all the way to Kalk Bay. Each board is different and tells a story about the area. The ones that I saw cover the history, architecture of the old buildings, fishing and indigenous people of the area. They are well put together and informative. I’m not sure what are on the other boards (after all I was on a run, not a walk).

Why don’t you pop down to Muizenberg and take a slow stroll to Walk Bay and learn a little more about the area while you enjoy your stroll?

Cds 2017 07 08 09 53 09

Cape Town News

Butterflies and a big heart are the perfect way to end off the year…

Cds 2016 12 31 09 11 23

I met Sanea today on my traditional New Years Eve morning run to Kalk Bay. She was busy creating this amazing urban art using the outside wall of Olympia bakery as her canvas, and tiny-little paper butterflies as her ink.

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It turns out that she offers free yoga classes to children at no cost, and uses her art to raise funds to cover the costs. I think that any form of exercise for children is good (and for adults); especially something like yoga that trains both the body and the mind, strengthening us and teaching us self-awareness.

Her butterflies have been known to land all over the place, so keep looking out for them. Below is her flyer, and you can find out more about her project on Facebook.

ps: the Snapscan link should work online if you scan it…

Cds 2016 12 31 09 12 31

Cape Town South Africa Travel

No I don’t know his real name, but I am going to call him Sam. Why? Because I can. Anyway, Sam has been living in Kalk Bay Harbour for many years. He is probably one of the most photographed seals in Cape Town, and he loves posing for the tourists.

When he gets tired of the attention he waddles over to the harbour wall and jumps over into the sea for a refreshing dip. If you want to see him yourself just head on over to Kalk Bay harbour and there is a pretty good chance you will see him basking in the sun.

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Cape Town

I have been to Kalk Bay Harbour loads of times, and I have often seen seals in the harbour. But I have never seen one on the harbour wall before, and definitely not one watching the world go by. This huge guy sat there watching the world for a few minutes, and then he hopped up and with an almighty splash dived over into the sea.

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Cape Town South Africa

The Titanic

No really, the name of this boat is the Titanic. While this boat did not sink, she has clearly beached herself. I don’t think she is going to be going out anytime soon.

Cape Town South Africa

Kalk Bay Harbour

My previous shot was of the drying snoek. There is a fair chance that the snoek was caught off a boat that left from this harbour early in the morning.

Aside from the fishing boats, the harbour wall still has many line fishermen using the harbour wall to fish from. While it looks like this fisherman was taking a break on his phone, you can see his fishing rod pushed into a whole made for the purpose, and there is a line cast in the water.

Cape Town HDR South Africa

We had a very late winter storm over the weekend, and finally today has dawned into a wonderfully clear blue sky. But the mountain streams are gushing with all the runoff, and if you look around you can find some wonderful waterfalls that are usually dry or just a small trickle.

Winter waterfall

Cape Town South Africa

Lots of people have said that my recent Kalk Bay Harbour shot would make a nice painting, well with a little help from a friend (PhotoShop), here is the watercolour :-) Which version do you prefer?

Cape Town South Africa

Fishing boats in Kalk Bay Harbour

I shot this picture on the way to dinner at the Harbour House Restaurant last night, where I had a fantastic piece of yellow-tail for dinner. This is one of the most photographed places in Cape Town, and even though I have taken hundreds of pictures here, I still cannot resist taking another few pictures every time that I come here.

Cape Town South Africa