Fishing boats at V&A

I just got back from speaking that the Wordcamp Cape Town conference, and it was an awesome experience. There is so much technical talent in South Africa, and some amazing work being done. It was invigorating and exciting to meet so many amazing WordPess evangelists. I have also never seen so many iPads and Mac’s in one place in my life. I did feel a little strange using my PC laptop for my presentation :-)

The conference was the Atlantic Imbizo, V&A Waterfront, which is on the top floor of the shopping centre, offering amazing views of the waterfront and the harbour. Of course I managed to get in a shot or two, so I hope you enjoy these two of the fishing boats, taken from the roof of the building.

Fishing boats in Cape Town Harbour


One Comment

  1. Steffi said:

    Wonderful views! I would love it to be there!

    September 20, 2011

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